Sarangadhariya is an upcoming 2024 Indian Telugu language drama family film directed by Padmarao Abbisetti and produced by Sarat Chandra, Umadevi Achanta. If we talk about the cast, it stars Raja Ravinder, Shivkumar Ramchandrav, Yashaswini Shrinivas, Moin Mohammed, Mohit Pedada, Neela Priya Devulapalli, Shrikant Iyenger, Harsha Vardhan, Madhu Latha.
Sarangadhariya (Telugu) Movie Running Time
If we talk about the running time of Sarangadhariya Telugu movie, then its running time on the big screen is set to 2 hours 21 minutes.
Sarangadhariya (Telugu) Movie Release Date
To watch the Sarangadhariya movie, its fans were eagerly waiting to see when we will get to see this movie on the big screen, that period is over now, the movie has been released in theaters on the big screen on 12th July 2024, which you can watch.
Sarangadhariya (Telugu) Movie Crew & Cast
Director – Padmarao Abbisetti
Producer – Sarat Chandra, Umadevi Achanta
Starning – Raja Ravinder, Shivkumar Ramchandrav, Yashaswini Shrinivas, Moin Mohammed, Mohit Pedada, Neela Priya Devulapalli, Shrikant Iyenger, Harsha Vardhan, Madhu Latha
Music Director – Ebenezer Paul
Executive – Arunachala Mahesh
Cinematographey – Siddharth Swaymbhoo
Production Companies – TBA
Budget – ₹ TBA
Friends, we have compiled all the information given about this Sarangadhariya movie from BookMyShow and various sources, so the producer Akriti does not make any claim to confirm its authenticity.